Fresh Meat
A comedy drama series about the hilarious and painful truths of being a student. The latest creation from Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong, Fresh Meat follows a group of six students about to embark on the most exciting period of their lives so far - university.
Terminée | Anglaise | 50 minutes |
Comédie dramatique, Comedy, Drama | Channel 4 | 2011 |
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4.02 - Episode 2
Episode 2
As the housemates face difficult questions about life after university, Vod thinks a new job in a pub is the answer to her money worries, but she didn't plan for her housemates becoming regulars tapping her up for free drinks; especially heartbroken Howard, who seems to have developed a slight drinking problem since his break-up with Candice. President Oregon, looking at cementing her legacy, makes the rash decision to set up a poetry competition in her name, but when word gets out that she's cutting sports funding in order to do so the student body aren't impressed. Josie is on the hunt for some new housemates, but none of the hopeful candidates are up to her exacting tea-making standards, and there's a bump in Kingsley's blossoming relationship with Rosa when she drops the bombshell that she has a son. And he's how old?
Diffusion originale : 29 février 2016
Diffusion française :
29 février 2016
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Scénariste.s :
Guest.s :